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Sneaker Customization - The Choices

It was only a few short years ago that sneaker lovers relied exclusively on the major athletic shoe manufacturers and the creative types in the design department to mix up the standard sneaker colour ways and drop a new must have kicks on the market.

Today things couldn't be any more different with the rise of sneaker customization and a mix of businesses offering something for everyone. The big boys still occupy the centre of the universe utilizing their brand power, ever more creative production technologies and the Internet to allow hardcore sneaker heads to design their own unique shoe from scratch. A splash of hot red here, a dash midnight blue there and a tweak mid-sole option down below and you're away!

While the big names have no doubt taken sneaker customizing to a whole new level, the real pioneers of the industry are the individual sneaker customization artisans who worked day after day refining their craft... more often for love not money. From very humble beginnings, today's top custom sneaker professionals can do it all. Stripping down a sneaker like an Air Force One, Dunk or a Superstar to its bare bones PK God sneakers and building it back up using new material combinations, unique thread and stitch mixes, twisted colour ways and graphics.

The players in this area know that in these hard times not everyone has the means to purchase a pair of unique custom sneakers but individuals still want to rock something that little bit different in sneaker department. Using a variety of innovative paint, print, adhesive, application and cleaning solutions mixed with finest street inspired creativity, the do-it-yourself customization kits and sneaker decal design and print houses offer sneaker lovers a lower cost option to keep their kicks fresh and snapping necks!

Of course, the amazing choice in today's sneaker customization market would not have been possible without the Internet. Yes, this whole custom thing depends on communication. Without the direct communication between buyer and seller and the spreading of creative concepts and techniques through specialty forums and blogs regardless of location we'd definitely still be at the mercy of others when it came to sneaker choice.


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